Wednesday, 19 December 2012

3 days..( Training)

Hi, teachers... welcome to CDT organised training.. hope you all can be enjoy all the session and 3 days training.....

hahaha... Issit feel weird what i am trying to say? .. haha.. 

I was wake up at 6 am early morning in these three days as our CDT dept organised training for those  kindergarden  teachers... hoho .. for sure,

Winnie was not the trainee.. hahaha.. I was  a facilitator for helping trainee... 

I am a facilitator ....... not teacher.... stop calling me teacher~~~ all of my  dear teacher....

1st day .. I was full of energy ( like a monkey jumped here and there)

2nd day .. half energy was left ( but still can played around and joked )

3rd day... dying~~~~~~ ( sat on chair and almost fall a sleep on chair during trainee was giving lesson)

Actually there were a lot of thing were happened but i was not going to explain them in detail as i was not really remember .. wahahahahahaaha

Although there 3 days training were quite tiring but wen wen and i really quite enjoyed as we will get closer 

with colleagues.. haha.. 

These were a lot of fun things happen.

1st days treasure hunt ... my station was playground . I was very excited because waiting for looking those 

teachers were very suffering on climbing those enclosed slide, monkey bar and yellow spiral 

,cross enclosed slide and so on... i bad? yes ... hahhahaha... 

One thing made me a bit regret choose playground. is ..... what de .. " I WAS UNDER SUN"

The sun made my face as red as monkey butt....hahaha.. anyways.. when i saw those teachers were very 

enjoyed.. I already forget all about it.. hahaha... One of teacher was almost stuck in enclosed slide... haha... 

Lucky she was very quickly came out if not ... i will laugh at her ... This is for sure... hahahahaha... am i bad? 

hahaha... I think so!!! hahahahaha ... 

Now i can confirmed one thing ... WINNIE LOVE OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES.. hahaha.... I rather had 

activities at outdoor instead of kept on sitting in office to do work .. hahaha..

basketball station
  Playground station:~

Another session which teachers' favorite was " WARM UP " ( means morning exercise) , they really loves to

 dance... u will see they will follow the trainee to dance... hahaha 

1st day i was being taught  for  this coming friday party..

who knows...2nd day.... i was being called up to the stage for demonstration... 

This was really for me.. ( I couldn't remember any steps)

U knows what i was doing... ( just laughing on the stage as totally cant follow the music) ..haha...

Don't be misunderstanding.. not me only .. had other colleagues were called them ... so totally is  6 peoples 

on stage) ...5 of us was not really know how to dance.. hahaha

I really feel i was a crown on that moment  but because of  that suddenly could remember all of the steps.. 

hahah...haiz... Winnie is crown ... !!

Today~~ i already knew  then ran away.. i was not on stage .

The trainee teached to dance OH~~~~ SEXY LADY~~.

Guess what song? hahaha Bingo~~~ OPpo GANGnam STYle... haha~~~

ME~~~~ HILANG DIRI... eh... i was not purposely ~~ I was very busy on helping lo~~~~ hehehe


Today was nothing special .. My session was music class . I was listened repeated stuff... haha.. 

What i could said the trainee sang very nice.~~ her voice is awesome.. unfortunately can't really listened she 

sang a proper song as today she need to train those teachers how to teach music toward children... hahaha... 

I was almost fall a slept for the last session .... hahaha...!!!  

MUSIC CLASS~ Teachers were enjoying singing

ROCK TEACHERs...( shu bi du waaa)

Really very tiring ~.:(

No matter what... i really had learned something ~haha...


Although tomorrow is back to office....but need to busy on book ..friday need to publish out... 

Hope i can really do it... hahah...~~~